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So that it does not get dicey.
Provision of fire protection officer
Carrying out fire safety inspections
Creation of escape & rescue route plans
Training of fire protection/evacuation assistants
Planning & execution of evacuation drills
Planning & execution of fire drills
Stellung Brandschutzbeauftragter
Provision of fire protection officer
A functioning fire protection organisation is an important part of occupational health and safety.
The fire safety officer is appointed in writing by the employer and is specially trained to prevent the occurrence of fires through preventive measures and thus primarily to protect the health of the employees, but also the material assets of the respective company.
The activities of the fire safety officer are divided into the categories of preventive fire protection (e.g. building structure, fire loads and safety equipment) and organisational fire protection (e.g. drawing up escape and rescue route plans, drawing up fire safety regulations, training employees).
It often makes sense to combine the appointment of an external fire safety officer with the appointment of an external occupational safety specialist in order to have a contact person for all safety-related issues.
HIRAcon provides you with experienced fire protection experts who provide the following services for you:
Supporting the contractor in all matters relating to operational fire protection
Carrying out fire safety inspections
Preparation of fire protection reports on the inspections carried out
Preparation of escape & rescue route plans
Creation and updating of fire safety regulations
Cooperation with external supervisory authorities, the fire department and fire insurers
Advice on the design of work processes and the use of working materials
Instruction of employees
Carrying out evacuation drills
Training of fire safety assistants
What are the advantages of an external fire safety officer?
Does a fire safety officer have to be appointed?
On duty for your safety throughout Germany!
Carrying out fire safety inspections
Fire safety inspections can take place on an ad hoc or preventative basis. Occasional fire safety inspections take place when they are notified by government inspection authorities or the local fire department. Preventive fire safety inspections, on the other hand, are carried out by external experts at predetermined intervals. The inspection consists of the inspection and testing of the workplace and serves to identify potential fire hazards, determine safety-relevant defects and ensure compliance with fire safety regulations. Regular fire safety inspections are therefore an important part of an effective safety policy in your company.
HIRAcon's fire safety experts assess and document the following aspects during the fire safety inspection of your business premises:
1. Structural conditions
This includes, for example, the construction of the building and the localisation of escape routes, stairwells, emergency exits, fire doors and walls.
2. Technical facilities
This includes the inspection and functionality of fire alarm systems, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems and other fire protection equipment.
3. Fire protection organisation
This includes fire protection plans, evacuation plans, alarm and reporting routes as well as regular training and instruction of employees in dealing with fire hazards.
4. Fire loads and storage
Evaluation of potential fire loads, such as the storage of flammable materials or hazardous substances.
5. Escape and rescue route plans
Check escape and rescue routes for accessibility and proper labelling.
Who should have regular fire safety inspections carried out?
On duty for your safety throughout Germany!
Flucht-& Rettungswegpläne
Escape & rescue route plans
Escape and rescue route plans are crucial for ensuring that all employees can leave the workplace safely in the event of an emergency. For this reason, they should always be up-to-date and clearly displayed at all important points within the workplace.
The escape & rescue route plan must show, among other things, first aid facilities, fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment, operating facilities for technical equipment and machinery as well as areas at risk of fire, explosion or other hazards and also indicate areas to be kept clear for firefighting.
HIRAcon offers you the following service for the legally compliant creation/renewal of your escape & rescue route plans:
Creation of legally compliant escape & rescue route plans in the format and design of your choice
Alignment to the respective operating site
Realisation true to scale
High-quality workmanship
Lamination on request
Who must display escape & rescue route plans?
Legal basis
On duty for your safety throughout Germany!
Planning and execution of evacuation drills
Evacuation drills are an important part of effective, preventative fire protection. Specifically, they serve to check whether the respective evacuation concept can be implemented and works in an emergency. The aim is to evacuate all employees from the building as quickly and orderly as possible in an emergency. Theoretical instructions alone are generally not sufficient. The more familiar employees become with the general procedure, escape routes and assembly points, the quicker and smoother the evacuation will be in an emergency. It is therefore essential to carry out regular evacuation drills. HIRAcon's fire protection experts will take care of the planning and execution of evacuation drills for you, as well as the follow-up, including logging.
We proceed according to the following scheme when planning and carrying out your evacuation drill:
1. Analysis and evaluation of the building with reference to the safety-related conditions and recording of the groups of people
2. Drawing up an evacuation concept and planning the evacuation based on this
3. Carrying out the evacuation exercise after informing the local fire department in advance
4. Follow-up of the exercise incl. documentation
Are evacuation drills required by law?
Legal basis
On duty for your safety throughout Germany!
Still have questions?
Please feel free to contact us!

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